Today is Generosity Day, an effort to take back Valentine’s Day and make it truly about love, connection and generosity without expectation or reciprocity.

To mark Generosity Day, I’d like to say thanks to 10 people I’m really really thankful for (ok it’s more like 17 if you dig into it). This is not a popularity contest nor a complete list — just a sincere thank you to some of the people who have affected me most.

(1) My partner and co-conspirator Tim Walker — for showing me how to be a truly remarkable, kind, thoughtful, and adventurous human being

(2) My rabble rousing business partner and mentor Mark Rovner – for challenging the status quo and pushing me to be my most creative self

(3) The entire Lifeboat crew – Jordan Lewin, Darren Barefoot and Julie Szabo, Sam Dorman, Kevin Gottesman, Mark Rovner, Neal Maher — for donating hundreds of hours of their expertise to get our wacky Lifeboat vision off the ground

(4) Seth Godin – the truth teller who inspires courage and artistry every day – Thank you

(5) Mark Hirschfield at the Feldenkrais Institute of NYC — for helping heal my back

(6) Katya Andresen for spurring me to think bigger

(7) Jason Mogus — for creating Web of Change, the place where I found my tribe and Tim

(8) Rosy, Jon and Sann — without you I wouldn’t be me

(9) Reagan Rains – for showing up at a time in my life when I really needed it

(10)Neena Husid – for giving me my first break

Thank you. I’m truly blessed to have you in my life.