So along comes Ideal Bite, a new(ish) tip sheet designed for BoBos who don’t want to feel guilty driving their SUVs to Whole Foods to buy their organic mesclun.  Billed as a “sassier shade of green,” Ideal Bite, like Grist, is fun.

Here’s how non-judgmental their brand of environmentalism is: one of their most recent tips is on buying — i am not making this up — “Humane Veal.”

Why all this pimping of enviro online destinations on a blog about web strategy for non-profits? Because sites like Ideal Bite and Grist have broken the mold when it comes to writing — they are about as far from direct mail-ese as you can get.  Even if you don;t care about the environment (in which case you probably shouldn’t be here), they are worth reading to get an idea how to really connect with folks online.