You never know who might make a donation to your cause.

That’s why Population Services International makes sure they know who is donating and why.

Every donor who makes a gift gets a handwritten card thanking them for their support and asking how they heard about PSI. Every inquiry gets a timely response, which often uncovers something interesting.

Through this process, they found out that one of their new donors Cathi Hanauer is a New York Times bestselling author.

We decided to build a small social media campaign by asking her to curate a “feminist” summer reading list.

Not only are we creating value-added content that people will share, but we are also showcasing the kinds of people who are attracted to PSI. They are smart, accomplished and well read. Who doesn’t want to be part of that club?

Kudos to PSI for creating deep relationships with their donors and utilizing their learnings in their campaigns.