I met Dorie Clark when I was 12 years old at arts camp. I wore oversized plaid pants and was writing poems called Dissipated Spirt and the like. You get the full awkward picture? Well, I knew back then that Dorie was something special and would do big, bright things.

She has a new book out called Stand Out. And it’s really good.

Dorie has painstakingly interviewed some of my favorite thought leaders:  Seth Godin, Robert Cialdini, Daniel Pink, David Allen, and many others to find out:

  • How do you identify the ideas that set you apart? The ideas that make you a thought leader?
  • How do you promote them effectively?
  • How do you build and sustain a community of followers who believe and practice that idea?

As part of Dorie’s book launch, Sea Change will send signed copies of Stand Out to three readers. Just make sure you sign up for our email updates. We’ll be sending a notice out this Thursday for how you can enter to win.