Well folks, I guess either many of the usual carnival contributors are away at the beach devouring their summer reads or the request for best-of books for non-profit marketers stumped the panel.

Happily the one lone submission that came in was a superb one, from Roger over at EveryDay Giving. Both because it’s really good and because it’s all we got, I reproduce it below in toto.

Top 7 Reads for Nonprofit Marketers and Fundraisers

Mark Rovner at Sea Change Strategies, wants to know what books I would recommend this summer for nonprofit marketers and fundraisers. He is the host of the next Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants.

I am an avid reader, especially when it comes to nonprofit marketing and fundraising. The books I enjoy and recommend tend to be easy to read, understand and implement.

It was difficult, but here are my top seven books for nonprofit markers and fundraisers:

1. Robin Hood Marketing: Stealing Corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes
If I was to recommend one book on marketing for nonprofit organizations, this would be it. After reading this book by Katya Andresen, you will think differently about how to engage your target audience.

2. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
You may have a great mission, but your organization won’t last if you can’t get others to support it. This book by Chip Heath and Dan Heath will have you telling your stories in a way that will maximize your ability to get the support you need for now and in the future.

3. Ask Without Fear!: A Simple Guide to Connecting Donors With What Matters to Them Most
This book by Marc A. Pitman should be read by everyone who is involved in any way with fundraising. It provides a step by step method to ask for funds that is not only effective, but also removes much of the fear that is attributed to fundraising.

4. Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits: Real-World Strategies That Work
This is another great book by Ilona M. Bray that covers the basic elements of fundraising. It not only discusses one-on-one requests from potential donors, but also covers requesting grants.

5. Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits
Whether you are a nonprofit marker or fundraiser, it is important to understand the qualities of a high impact nonprofit organization. This book by Leslie Crutchfield and Heather McLeod Grant is the result of a multi-year study that discovered those practices common across high impact nonprofit organizations.

6. Grassroots Philanthropy
This is another great book by Bill Somerville and Fred Setterberg on ways that nonprofit foundations can be more effective. Again, understanding those wallet ease that make a nonprofit organization effective will help in developing an effective message to be used for marketing and fundraising.

7. Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
We all have challenges in getting things done in a busy world. This is a fun book by Brian Tracy that shares an important technique. It has helped me tremendously, I hope it will help you just as much.

Enjoy your summer with one or more of these books. Please share your opinion regarding the books you read in the comment section below

Please visit Roger’s site and express your gratitude!