Last month, I led a webinar on the Sea Change Strategies and Care2 ebook “The Overachiever’s Guide to Year-End Fundraising.” If you missed it, don’t fret! Due to popular demand we’re reprising the webinar with Network for Good on Tuesday, August 31st at 1pm eastern. Register now.

If you aren’t yet convinced you want to spend an hour earning your overachiever’s gold star, consider this:

40 percent of all online donations come in during the month of December. But year-end fundraising success doesn’t just magically materialize. It takes months of list building, inspiring donors, cultivating them, testing, and analyzing metrics to make the absolute most of year-end opportunities.

The good news is you have three months to get your fundraising house in order. So register and join me and Eric Rardin of Care2 for a great discussion on concrete ways you can maximize your strategy and tactics this year.

For instance:

While welcoming new donors and thanking them seems obvious, in my reviews across non-profit organizations, a majority do not welcome and thank their donors enough. An un-thanked donor won’t be a donor for long. Here are some tips:

  • Does your auto responder donation thank you look like a tax receipt? If so, you are missing an opportunity to re-inspire a donor who just gave to you.
  • Do you send your donors non-ask updates on your work including success stories they made possible? If not, you are missing a stewardship opportunity that is relatively cheap and easy to do online.
  • When you get a large online gift do you ever pick up the phone or send a handwritten note to thank the donor? This is a huge opportunity to bond that high-dollar donor to your cause for the long run.
  • When was the last time you made a gift to your organization? I highly recommend you find out first-hand how you are treating your donors in advance of year-end. What would you want to change about the experience? Most likely, your donors want to change that too.