In Texas, there is an amazing organization dedicated
to helping low- and moderate-income Texans.

I’m on their email list. But I rarely get past subject
lines like this one – Needs vs. State Budget Proposal
for 2008-09.

Today, I got this subject line [name has been changed]
– An important message about Henry. It didn’t say
“from” Henry. It said “about.”

As you can imagine, I opened it right up. And I was so
happy when the message told me a story about one of
the organization’s dedicated policy analysts – his
work, his history and his passion – culimating in –
“If Henry weren’t a policy wonk, he’d probably be a
blues harmonica player.”

I’ve often wondered why organizations that have so
many wonderful stories to tell – about people they’ve
helped, about staff and volunteers who are passionate
about the work – don’t make it a priority to tell
those stories.

Maybe we should all go to story-telling school…

P.S. If I weren’t a consultant – I’d be an opera singer.

[Mark’s note — she’s not kidding — voice of an angel]