The heart of the new Web 2.0 “thing” is the notion that users are creating the content and setting priorities for what gets displayed. There is evidence that this “customer gets to control the remote” phenomenon is occurring across many sectors at the same time. If you’re reading the latest thinking on customer relationship management, you are seeing a brand new acronym — CMR — for “customer managed relationships.”

Seth Godin takes note of this trend and thinks it’s more than horse pucky.

For non-profits, most of whom score way high on the control freakiness spectrum, this is going to be a rough transition.

I think this phenomenon is very real and reflects a long-noted baby boomer value. We all sat in those car seats as kids that had the fake steering wheel and shifter and horn, and we all thought it was real. Combine that with our legendary distrust of authority, and wackiness ensues.