OK Boomer = OK Fundraising
I say “groovy” a lot.
I was born in 1977 and came of age in the 90’s. I’m a young Gen-Xer — not a young Boomer. So when I use “groovy,” I mean it as a kitschy throw back. An ironic nod to bell bottoms and lava lamps.
Younger clients of mine don’t get this irony. I’ve been told recently by multiple millennials that when I say “groovy” I’m drifting into OK Boomer territory. Whaaaa??? Do they not get my irony???
Agree or disagree on the pros and cons of groovy usage — it just goes to show that we are not our target audiences.
So millennials, I have to give you that hard truth right back.
In fundraising, you are likely mostly engaging with people over the age of 55 — or even over the age of 65.
OK Boomer = OK fundraising.
It might make your eyes roll. But you are not your target audience.