Survey instrument sample: How to check in with your donors
We are living through unprecedented times! It’s never been more important to get a pulse on how your donors are feeling and how your organization can be most helpful/valuable for them.
In fact, getting a pulse on your audience is so important, Mark and I are walking the talk. Watch out for a short survey that we’ll be sending to our e-subscribers soon.
But what should you ask? Here are some ideas:
(1) Have you personally been affected by the pandemic?
- My job/livelihood has been impacted
- My health has been impacted
- The health of a loved one has been impacted
- My children are staying home from school.
- I’m self-isolating either by myself or with my family.
- Other
(2) How optimistic are you about your and your family’s ability to weather the pandemic?
- Very optimistic
- Optimistic
- Neither optimistic nor pessimistic
- Pessimistic
- Very pessimistic
(3) In light of the COVID-19 crisis, how important would you rank Organization X’s efforts to XYZ?
- Very important
- Important
- Somewhat important
- Not important
(4) What engagement efforts would most interest you right now?
- “Only Good News” updates (I’m tired of doom and gloom right now)
- Digital gatherings with experts from Organization X discussing XYZ.
- Media roundup showcasing Organization X’s influence and impact.
- Human interest stories showcasing Organization X’s efforts.
- Tools to fundraise on Organization X’s behalf from home.
- Activities to keep children or grandchildren engaged like lesson plans and video
(5) Are you more or less likely to support our work with a donation in light of our COVID-19 response efforts?
More likely
Less likely
Not sure
(6) Can you say a bit about why you answered that way?
(7) What else should we know?
Connecting with donors by asking them how they think and feel is always a good idea. But now — more than ever — it’s mission critical.