What are you doing the day after the election? Check your calendar. Go on, we’ll wait…

No matter what happens on November 5th, the level of public rancor and confusion will be sky-high the next morning. That can be bad for your body. It can be hard on your nervous system. It may give rise to overwhelming emotions.

Preparation will be key.

Practice being a gracious winner and practice being a gracious loser. What are you going to say to someone you love who may have voted for the other person?

What if, as is likely, the outcome is unknown? Prepare for the possibility of a marathon of uncertainty and anxiety in a larger ocean of rage and chaos. Our minds and bodies are not built for this. Self-care will be paramount. Prepare your nervous system. Move your body. Go for a walk in nature. Hug a loved one. Meditate. Pray. Dance. Breathe.

Ask yourself: Who do you want to be in this moment? How do you want to show up? Put those questions on a post-it by the fridge.

Try not to be alone. Trade hugs. Surround yourself with people and with the things that resource you, that remind you who you are at your very best.

Do what you need to do to hold your center.

If all else fails, binge watch a beloved show on Netflix. Eat lots of chocolate. Do not leave the news running on TV nonstop. Doom-scrolling is not your friend right now.

Remember also that whatever happens, it’s barely a blip in the 4.543 billion year life of the planet. The election matters. Oh god, it matters. But there’s so much more that matters at this very moment. Not all of it is terrible. Much of it is beautiful. Don’t lose the bigger picture.

Stay well.