Saying the last three weeks have been chaotic is the understatement of the year.

An attempted assasination, a Biden bow-out, a Kamala surge… Add in wildfires and wars. It’s a lot to weather.

Staying connected to donors perceptions and feelings during these topsy turvy times is paramount to a fundraiser’s success. The tool to do it? Listening. Frequently.

The Sea Change Donor Insight Panel® is a way to do just that. Each month, clients including Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Everytown for Gun Safety and the ACLU ask specific donor segments about pressing and evolving topics of concern. They also report back what they’ve learned previously from Insight Panel members and how they are taking action on the feedback. 

The outcomes are two fold. Organizations get invaluable strategic guidance on messaging and other topics of concern to donors. Donors feel seen and heard with an aim of improving retention and loyalty.

  • Want to know how donors are perceiving the conflict in Gaza?
  • Want to know if donors support for election-related groups or causes (such as PACs, candidates or party committees) has been over and on top of their support for other causes, or in place of those other causes?
  • Want to know what keeps donors hopeful and motivated during uncertain times?

Insight Panels can help you stay attuned to these types of questions and more. Plus, they make donors feel good!

One Insight Panelist recently said, “Your survey and feedback each month make my participation with [org] much more personal.  I have a stronger bond with [org].  You’re open, candid and sincere.”
